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Email Blast Reporting

Learn about viewing your Email Blast reports post-send

At Loyalsnap, we understand the importance of monitoring the success of your Email Blast campaigns! With the ability to view the open and click rates on your sent Email Blasts, you can identify successful campaigns and identify opportunities to increase these metrics!

  1. To view the open and click rates, click in to Email Blast

At the top you will see the total number of recipients, the open rate percentage and the click rate percentage. If you click on any of those numbers, it will open the recipient list and display which clients took action on your Email Blast.

Notion image
Note: Click Rates are measured by clickable URL links in your email. If your email does not contain any button or link that leads to a new webpage, no click rate will be recorded

Once your recipient list is open, you’ll see new columns: Opened and Clicked. Green check marks indicate which action the client performed, if any.

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To filter your recipients, click on the filter icon in the top right. You can choose recipients who have just opened the blast and those who have also clicked!

Notion image

If you’d like to see any other types of reporting on your Email Blasts, please be sure to let us know!

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