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Zoom Integration: Overview

A general overview of the Loyalsnap and Zoom integration for virtual, online classes

As some studios continue to offer at-home, virtual classes, Loyalsnap provides the ability for studios who utilize Mindbody to integrate their Zoom account!


All you will need to do in Mindbody is set up your schedule of virtual classes. For Loyalsnap to identify your classes as virtual, you must use one of the following keywords in the class name: Livestream, Virtual, Online.


Loyalsnap will connect to your Zoom account, pull all of your online class information and automatically send your clients the virtual class link via email or text 30 minutes prior to the class start time. Additionally, an email notification will also be sent to the class instructor prior to the start time. The email will be sent to the email address on file with Mindbody associated the the instructor!


Your studio is only able to have one Zoom account connected to your Loyalsnap Portal at a time. Additionally, Loyalsnap can only support one livestream Zoom class at a specific time. For example, if you have two livestream classes set up for 6 AM, Loyalsnap will only be able to set up a Zoom link for one of those classes.


For more information on adding the Zoom integration to your account, please reach out to for further assistance!

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