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Set up Zoom Automations

Learn how to have Zoom Automations added to your Account

If your studio has the Virtual tab and Zoom integration enabled, you can work with an Account Manager to get class notification Automations added to your account. By default, Virtual class notifications are sent out 30 minutes prior to class start time, however by request this can be changed. Once the Automations are set up, your team will have the ability to edit the Templates to your studio’s branding and messaging preference. Loyalsnap offers Virtual-specific merge fields for your class notification Automations to include the Zoom link for your client’s class!


Available Merge Fields:

  • *|CLASS_NAME|* : the name of the class in your booking platform (i.e Morning Live Yoga 60)
  • *|CLASS_TIME|* : the time of the class, with timezone (i.e 10:30 AM EST)
  • *|CLASS_DAY|* : the day and date of the class (i.e Tuesday, March 4th)
  • *|CLASS_LINK|* : the client-specific Zoom link which they can use to join the class. These merge fields can be added to buttons!

Now you are all set to set up your Automations and Templates for online classes!

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