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Understanding the Master Template

Learn how to use the Master Template to easily format your email templates with branding consistency

Loyalsnap offers a Master Template for your Automations in your Portal. The Master Template is a way to easily add your studio’s branding, such as logos, social media links and consistent studio signature to each new template you create.

Once that’s all added, you won't need to add this content to each new template you create - the system will do this for you!

To add your studio’s branding to the Master Template:

  1. Navigate to the Automations page in your Portal and toggle to Templates
  1. Click on the Master Template to begin editing
  1. Adjust your Master Template to include any consistent branding or information you would like to appear in new templates you create
  1. Create a new template which will autofill with the branding created in the Master Template

Creating a branded Master Template will save you time when editing and creating future Automation templates!

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