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Upload Email Blast Unsubscribes

Learn how to upload a list of previously unsubscribed clients

If you are new to Loyalsnap and coming from a different Newsletter/Email tool, you may have a previous unsubscribe list. To ensure you are able to maintain those client’s preferences, you can upload a list of unsubscribed clients to manually unsubscribe them from receiving Email Blasts from Loyalsnap!

  1. Navigate to the Email Blast tab in your Portal
  1. In the top left corner, click the Settings icon (cog wheel/gear)
    1. Notion image

  1. Drag or upload a .csv file containing the list of email addresses you’d like to unsubscribe
    1. For this .csv file, only one row is required- the header row should be Email Address

      Notion image

  1. Click Upload
    1. You will be met with a success screen showing you the amount of emails in your .csv file, the amount of those emails that were found in Loyalsnap, and how many in total were unsubscribed

      Notion image
To save an Excel file as a CSV, please follow these steps: In your Excel spreadsheet, click File.
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