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Dashboard Categories: Views and Filters

Learn about a few different ways to view your Dashboard Categories

At Loyalsnap, we know that not all Studios share the same workflows and sales processes. We want to give our Studios different options to view and filter their Dashboard so they can find a view that works for them!


We currently offer three different views for your Dashboard Categories so you can choose the best one for your work flow! You will be able to toggle between the views, in addition to filter empty Categories in the top right corner below your User Icon.

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Grid View

This is the most common view of the Loyalsnap Dashboard. Each Category is a different card and the client’s that qualify for these Categories are simply listed in a list by their first and last name. This view is beneficial for those who would like to quickly identify how many opportunities they have for the day at a glance.

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List View

If you are someone who prefers to have a bit more detail available while looking through your daily opportunities, then the List view may be helpful for you! The Categories are displayed on the right and you will only see the clients who qualify for the Category selected. You receive a bit more information about the client in the category including their name, total visits, last visit and when they were last contacted by your team.

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Column View

This view may be familiar if you use the Column view in your Automations page! Similar to the grid view, your Dashboard Categories are displayed as cards with client information visible within them. Like the list view, the column view provides additional information, including the client’s name, their last visit and when they were last contacted.

The column view tends to be a hybrid of the grid and list views, providing a combination of client details at a glance with the ability to quickly gauge the amount of clients on your Dashboard for the day!

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Filter your Categories

If your studio has a packaged Dashboard with Categories, sometimes you may feel overwhelmed looking at them all at once. Loyalsnap offers the ability to filter out empty Categories so that your team can spend time focusing on the Categories with clients who need attention and help make your daily opportunities feel more manageable and organized!

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