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Set a Follow-Up

How to set follow ups for future client outreach

Utilizing Follow-Ups on the Dashboard can have a great impact on your Studio! When selecting a Follow-Up for a client, they will be removed from the Dashboard and reappear on the day of the Follow-Up. This is a great tool to use if a client requests to contact them in a few weeks, if you want to keep track of a potential sale, etc! On the day of the Follow-Up, your client will appear in the Follow-Up category, reminding you to reach out to them! There are 5 different ways to set up a Follow-Up on a client’s profile that we will walkthrough below! Each of the 5 ways will bring up the pop-up prompting you to set a Follow-Up or to select None:

  1. The ellipses (…) menu
  1. After an email is sent
  1. After a text is sent
  1. After a call is logged
  1. When adding a note to the client’s account
    1. Notion image

When one of the above actions is performed, you will see a pop-up appear to set a Follow-Up for the client before moving on to the next. You can select pre-set suggestions for when to set your Follow-Up (tomorrow, 3 days or 7 days), choose a custom date, or choose to not set a Follow-Up for your client.


To choose a custom date, click the calendar to select the future date you’d like to follow up with this client.

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Once you have selected your Follow-Up option, click Next Client > to move on to the next client on your Dashboard.

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On the day that the Follow-Up is set for, your client will reappear on the Dashboard in the Follow-Ups category. This category is typically located in the bottom right corner.

Notion image
Important: On the day of the Follow-Up, if your client qualifies for another Category in addition to the Follow-Ups Category, they will appear in the other Category. For example: John’s Follow-Up is set for July 10th. On July 10th his intro offer expired, therefore he qualifies for two Categories: Intro Offer Expired and Follow-Ups. Loyalsnap wants to make sure you are aware of clients when they are in specific parts of their customer journey, which is why he would appear there instead!
Please Note: You are not able to set a follow-up for a client who is not currently categorized on your Dashboard.
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