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Add/Update Payment Method

Learn how to add a new payment method to your account

We want to make the billing process as seamless as possible for your team! Loyalsnap accepts two forms of payment methods: Credit card or Bank Account (currently only available for US studios). If you need to update your payment method or add a new one, check out the steps below!

  1. Click on your user icon in the top right corner
  1. Select the Billing page from the drop down menu
    1. Notion image

  1. Click Add
    1. Notion image

  1. Toggle between Credit Card or Bank Account (US only)

Credit Card

  1. Enter your card number, expiration date and security code
    1. Notion image

  1. Click Submit

Bank Account

  1. Toggle to Bank Account
  1. Fill out the following fields: Account Holder Name: The name as it appears on your bank statement Account Holder Type: Company account or individual account Routing Number: 9-digit code typically found on the bottom left-hand side of checks Checking Account Number: Your bank account number
    1. Notion image

  1. Click Submit
  1. Once you have clicked Submit, two microdeposits will be made to that bank account. These microdeposit transfers can take 1-2 business days to appear in a bank account.
  1. Once these deposits have been received, verify the microdeposit amounts by returning to the billing page and click Verify Bank Account
    1. Notion image

  1. Enter the two amounts deposited into your account for verification
Things to Remember: Bank Account as a payment method is currently only available for US based studios Bank Verification is a 2-step process and can take between 1-2 business days
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