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Automation Page: Views and Filters

Learn about the different layout views and filters available on the Automation page

We are committed to simplifying your marketing and sales process as much as possible, which is why we offer different views for your Automations! While these views all offer the same functionality, they provide you with different ways to view your Automations so you can choose the view that is right for you.

  1. List View
    1. With the List view, the section names are all shown as a list on the left side. You will see a list of one section’s Automations at a time. Click on each section to show a list of that section’s Automations.

      Notion image

  1. Column View

With the Column View, you have eyes on all of your Automation Sections at once with your Sections shown side-by-side in columns. Each column contains the Automations for that specific Section. You’ll see the Section name at the top of the column, and then each Automation listed below.

Notion image

In addition to the two layout views, you can filter the Automations that are visible on your Automations page by empty sections, disabled Automations, email Automations and text Automations.

Notion image

These different view options will allow you to quickly and efficiently manage your Automations in a way that works for you.

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